CORE Matrix suite
The CORE Matrix is RDPI's own personality profiling instrument. Over the years, we've demonstrated how it can both form the basis of many personal development activities and be one in its own right. Below are some of the applications for which it is invaluable in helping both individuals and organisations to develop and realise more of their potential:- Overcoming Overwhelm - CPD accredited
- Communications are key - CPD accredited
- Building and developing the team - CPD accredited
- Leadership and management
- Change management
- Enhance your coaching skills
- Perfecting Potential
CORE Matrix suite
The CORE Matrix is RDPI's own personality profiling instrument. Over the years, we've demonstrated how it can both form the basis of many personal development activities and be one in its own right. Below are some of the applications for which it is invaluable in helping both individuals and organisations to develop and realise more of their potential:- Overcoming Overwhelm - CPD accredited
- Communications are key - CPD accredited
- Building and developing the team - CPD accredited
- Leadership and management
- Change management
- Enhance your coaching skills
- Perfecting Potential